Biden says he will travel to Hawaii 'as soon' as possible

Biden says he will travel to Hawaii 'as soon' as possible

State will get whatever they need from government to help communities get back on their feet, says Biden

By Firdevs Bulut Kartal

TORONTO (AA) - US President Joe Biden said Tuesday that he and his wife Jill Biden will travel to the state of Hawaii "as soon" as possible.

Biden spoke at a news conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where he delivered remarks about his economic plan, dubbed Bidenomics.

Emphasizing the need to talk about the wildfires that have devastated the island of Maui, Biden said: "The deadliest wildfire more than 100 years old city destroyed; generations of native Hawaiian history turned into ruin."

Biden said he has spoken to Gov. Josh Green multiple times, and reassured him "the state will have everything it needs for the federal government."

Biden approved the governor's request for an expedited major disaster declaration, proving his dedication to providing the area with whatever it needs.

The US has deployed almost 500 federal personnel to Maui communities to help survivors get back on their feet, he added.

The wildfires are the "largest natural disaster Hawaii has ever experienced," said Green. "It's been also a natural disaster that's going to take an incredible amount of time to recover from."

The financial burden caused by the wildfires has reached $6 billion with 2,200 structures destroyed.

The death toll rise to 99, authorities said Monday.

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