Cameron faces MPs final time before Brexit vote

Cameron faces MPs final time before Brexit vote

Some MPs skip Cameron's speech to watch pro- and anti-Brexit campaigners hold protests on nearby River Thames

By Busra Akin Dincer

LONDON (AA) – British Prime Minister David Cameron told MPs on Wednesday that the country faces a “huge choice” in the upcoming European Union referendum on June 23.

Speaking in parliament on Wednesday during his final Prime Minister’s Questions Time before the vote, Cameron said there was “no financial saving” to be made by leaving the EU.

“Nobody wants to have an emergency budget. Nobody wants to have cuts in public services. Nobody wants to have tax increases,” he said.

However, some MPs missed Cameron’s performance, instead watching a Vote Leave protest on the River Thames beside the Houses of Parliament.

Nigel Farage, the prominent pro-Brexit leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), led ‘Fishing for Leave’ campaigners as they called on the government to take control of British waters.

Around 35 fishing boats carrying Vote Leave banners sailed up the Thames to Westminster to urge people to end Britain’s 43-year membership of the EU.

However, the UKIP leader was confronted by a pro-Remain fleet led by rock star Bob Geldof. Geldof yelled at Farage the he was "no fisherman's friend" and called him a "fraud".

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