Canada sanctions Russia's military, nuclear sectors

Canada sanctions Russia's military, nuclear sectors

Sanctions target companies and entities that are part of Russia’s military-industrial and nuclear weapons complexes

By Firdevs Bulut Kartal

TORONTO (AA) - Canada announced additional sanctions Wednesday against four individuals and 29 entities that have direct ties to Russia's military-industrial complex as well as to its financial and nuclear sectors.

Those sanctioned include “a Russian Armed Forces colonel who was a commander of the fifty-third anti-aircraft missile brigade, which is associated with the downing of Malaysia Airline’s MH17 flight on July 17, 2014 while it was flying over eastern Ukraine,” according to a government statement.

The companies sanctioned are responsible for developing products for both civil and military use such as aviation, marine and special nuclear equipment.

"The companies include Promtekhnologiya LLC, which produced weapons that were used by the Wagner Private Military Company during Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine," the statement said.

The country is also imposing sanctions on financial entities previously sanctioned by its G-7 allies and directly associated with “the Putin regime” and individuals at state-owned companies.

“The new nuclear-related targets comprise subsidiaries of ROSATOM, including companies that are part of Russia’s nuclear weapons complex, and the export agency that sells Russian nuclear technology abroad,” the statement said.

“These sanctions are part of the Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations and target those who are complicit in Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine," it added.

Canada’s sanctions aim to limit Russia’s recklessness in this sector and complement its efforts at the International Atomic Energy Agency which aim to hold Russia accountable for its disregard for international standards developed to ensure nuclear safety and security.

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