Canada's retail sales rise 0.1% in June

Canada's retail sales rise 0.1% in June

Core retail sales declines 0.9%

By Ovunc Kutlu

ISTANBUL (AA) - Canada's retail sales rose 0.1% to $65.9 billion in June, the country's statistical authority said Wednesday.

Markets expected the figure to show no change, while retail sales declined 0.1% in May.

In June, sales increased in three of nine subsectors, Statistics Canada said in a statement.

They were led by increases in motor vehicle and parts dealers with a gain of 2.5%, it added.

Core retail sales, which exclude gas stations and motor vehicle and parts dealers, were down 0.9% in June, following a 0.3% decline in May.

In April, core retail sales increased 1.5%, marking its fifth consecutive monthly gain.

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