China announces anti-dumping measures against Taiwan

China announces anti-dumping measures against Taiwan

Move comes as Taiwan’s Vice President Lai Ching-te departs for Paraguay and is in New York for 2-day ‘stopover’

By Riyaz ul Khaliq

ISTANBUL (AA) – China on Monday announced it will impose anti-dumping tariff on polycarbonate (PC) imports from Taiwan starting Tuesday, state media reported.

PC imports from Taiwan have engaged in dumping activities, causing concrete damages to the mainland's industry, the Commerce Ministry said in a statement, citing a preliminary investigation.

PC is a plastic material used in electronic and electrical appliances, automotive, medical devices, and protective equipment.

Beijing’s move comes amid the island nation’s vice president, Lai Ching-te’s two-day "stopover" in the US while on his way to Paraguay to attend presidential inauguration.

"We firmly oppose the US government having any form of official contact with the Taiwan region," said Hua Chunying, spokeswoman of China’s Foreign Ministry.

After landing in New York on Sunday, Lai met his supporters and held a luncheon with overseas Taiwanese people.

Chinese people living in the US also held protests against Lai’s layover in New York, according to Chinese state media.

Lai is presidential candidate of the ruling Democratic Progress Party in election slated for January.

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