Current account gap at 7.7B in December 2017 in Turkey

Current account gap at 7.7B in December 2017 in Turkey

Turkish Central Bank says annual deficit rose to $47.1B in 2017

By Tuba Sahin

ANKARA (AA) - Turkey ran a current account deficit of $7.7 billion in December 2017, according to the Turkish Central Bank on Wednesday.

Data showed that annual deficit reached $47.1 billion in 2017.

"This development in the current account is mainly attributable to $3.2 million increase in the goods deficit, recording net outflow of $7.4 million, as well as $231 million increase in primary income deficit to $1.2 million," it said.

The median of analysts' forecasts surveyed by Anadolu Agency’s Finance Desk on Friday was $7.3 billion for the month, while the year-end overall current account forecast stood at $46.7 billion.

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