Democratic congressman urges Biden to withdraw from presidential race

Democratic congressman urges Biden to withdraw from presidential race

Lloyd Doggett first House Democrat to urge US president to step down following last week's poor debate performance

By Diyar Guldogan

WASHINGTON (AA) - Rep. Lloyd Doggett on Tuesday called on US President Joe Biden to withdraw from the presidential race following his poor performance in last week’s debate against Donald Trump.

"I represent the heart of a congressional district once represented by Lyndon Johnson. Under very different circumstances, he made the painful decision to withdraw. President Biden should do the same," the congressman from the state of Texas said in a statement, becoming the first Democrat in the House of Representatives to urge Biden to step down.

It came after Biden gave rambling answers and appeared to lose his train of thought in the debate against the former president that heightened concerns that he might not be fit to serve another four-year term.

Biden acknowledged age and his bad performance in the debate and said Friday it was "hard to debate a liar," referring to Trump.

Doggett thanked Biden for his service, saying the president had "achieved much for our country at home and abroad," but stressed that many Americans have indicated dissatisfaction with their choices in the election.

"President Biden has continued to run substantially behind Democratic senators in key states and in most polls has trailed Donald Trump.

"I had hoped that the debate would provide some momentum to change that. It did not. Instead of reassuring voters, the President failed to effectively defend his many accomplishments and expose Trump’s many lies," he added.

Doggett said he is hopeful that Biden will make the "painful and difficult" decision to withdraw.

Biden is expected to hold a meeting Wednesday with Democratic governors.

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