General Motors posts best quarterly total sales in 4 years

General Motors posts best quarterly total sales in 4 years

Detroit-based automaker sees 8 consecutive quarters of retail sales growth year-on-year

By Ovunc Kutlu

ISTANBUL (AA) - American carmaker General Motors has posted its best quarterly sales in almost four years, according to its financial results statement released Tuesday.

The Detroit-based manufacturer delivered a total of 696,086 vehicles in April-June period, which is up 0.6% from the same period of last year, and recording its best quarterly total sales since the fourth quarter of 2020.

Its brands Chevrolet, GMC, Buick and Cadillac all posted retail gains in the second quarter.

The company also recorded eight consecutive quarters of retail sales growth year-on-year.

It saw record electric vehicle (EV) sales with 21,930 deliveries in the second quarter, which is up 34% from the first quarter, and 40% from the second quarter of last year.

For EVs, the firm delivered 38,355 vehicles in the first half of 2024, including 21,930 in the second quarter, both records for the company.

"GM retail EV registrations up 17% year-to-date, outpacing the retail industry’s 10% gain," said the statement.

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