Dengue deaths climb above 500 in Bangladesh

Dengue deaths climb above 500 in Bangladesh

World Bank to give $100 million to control endemic outbreak, says Bangladeshi official

By SM Najmus Sakib

DHAKA, Bangladesh (AA) - The endemic dengue situation continues to worsen in Bangladesh as the death toll climbed to 506 with 13 additional casualties Wednesday.

Eight of the new deaths were from Dhaka, taking the total deaths from the nation’s capital to 374, the Directorate General of Health Services said in its daily dengue update.

Meanwhile, 2,070 new hospitalizations were registered at 8 a.m. local time Wednesday across the country, including 857 in Dhaka.

Total cases stood at 106,429, including 51,027 hospitalizations, with half in Dhaka.

A total of 7,825 patients were undergoing treatment across the country in hospitals, with 3,580 in Dhaka.

Health Minister Zahid Maleque said the World Bank would provide $100 million to support the government’s campaign against the deadly fever.

Kaynak:Source of News

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