Enchanting lavender flowers in Ankara garden welcome visitors

Enchanting lavender flowers in Ankara garden welcome visitors

Delightful oasis in bustling Mamak district is full of aromatic bushy small blue-violet flowers and serves as haven for those seeking respite from their daily lives

By Seda Sevencan

ISTANBUL (AA) – The enchanting lavender flowers in a garden in the Turkish capital Ankara welcome visitors before the harvest season begins in July.

The delightful oasis in the bustling Mamak district is full of aromatic bushy small blue-violet flowers and serves as a haven for those seeking respite from their daily lives.

With the lavender harvest just around the corner, the garden is currently hosting visitors who are enchanted by the atmosphere's delightful scent and visual feast of flowers.

The garden's gates will soon close for the harvesting season, promising visitors that they will be welcomed back.

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