Estonia to send additional pistols, ammunition to Ukraine

Estonia to send additional pistols, ammunition to Ukraine

'We have to continue supporting Ukraine in their fight for freedom,' says Defense Ministry

By Murat Temizer

WARSAW (AA) - The Estonian government agreed Thursday to send small arms and ammunition to Ukraine.

The move came after the government backed a proposal by Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur to provide Ukraine with handguns and ammunition.

"We must support Ukraine in its fight against the continuing Russian aggression. Once again, we have found an opportunity where Estonia can lend a helping hand," said Pevkur.

All who support Ukraine must speed up the provision of military aid amd increase the capacity of their defense industry, he said.

The Defense Ministry wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter: "We have to continue supporting Ukraine in their fight for freedom."

Ukraine has so far provided Kyiv with more than €400 million ($440 million) worth of military aid, including Javelin anti-tank systems, howitzers, artillery ammunition and anti-tank mines.

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