EU Commission vice-president wants to run in Dutch elections

EU Commission vice-president wants to run in Dutch elections

Frans Timmermans says he aims to become prime minister and unite increasingly polarized country

By Melike Pala

THE HAGUE (AA) - EU Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans announced his intention to lead the bipartisan center-left bloc in the Dutch general elections scheduled for Nov. 22.

In a statement, Timmermans expressed his desire to lead the joint campaign of the Labor Party and the Green Left Party within the two-party center-left bloc, which has formed an alliance for the upcoming general elections.

He said he aims to become the prime minister by securing victory in the elections and to unite the increasingly polarized country.

Timmermans, a Labor Party member and former foreign minister, also said he wanted to eliminate inequalities in society.

As of now, no other candidate has stepped forward to lead the center-left bloc, making Timmermans the sole contender.

On July 17, the Labor Party and the Green Left Party made a joint announcement, declaring their alliance and joining forces.

*Writing by Beyza Binnur Donmez

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