EU commissioner criticizes Greece over problems in justice, media

EU commissioner criticizes Greece over problems in justice, media

Judicial process takes too long in Greece and NGOs struggle to operate, get financial support, says Vera Jourova

By Selen Temizer

BRUSSELS (AA) – An EU commissioner on Thursday criticized Greece for problems with its handling of the justice system, the media, and NGOs.

Citing the commission's 2022 Rule of Law Report on member states, Vera Jourova, commissioner for values and transparency, criticized Greece for difficulties in its justice system due to overly long judicial processes.

Addressing the European Parliament in Brussels, she called on Athens to consider EU standards in judicial nominations.

Jourova also mentioned the problems NGOs have operating in Greece and getting financial support.

Media ownership in Greece also lacks transparency, journalists are threatened and attacked, and sources dedicated to media regulation institutions are insufficient, Jourova also said.

She said the report urges Athens to improve measures to protect journalists.

*Writing by Nur Asena Erturk in Ankara

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