EU extends mandate of military mission in Mediterranean

EU extends mandate of military mission in Mediterranean

Naval Force Mediterranean Operation to continue enforcing arms, oil embargo on Libya, preventing human trafficking until 2025

By Agnes Szucs

BRUSSELS (AA) - The European Union extended on Monday the mandate of its military mission IRINI meant to enforce arms and oil embargo on Libya and fight human trafficking in the Mediterranean Sea.

EU foreign affairs ministers agreed to extend the mandate of the EU’s military operation in the Mediterranean, officially called EUNAVFOR MED IRINI, until March 31, 2025, the Council of the EU announced in a statement.

The costs are estimated to €16. 9 million ($18 million) for the upcoming two years, the statement further said.

Established in 2020, the military mission aims to enforce the UN arms embargo on Libya in the air, in the sea, and by satellites.

In addition, the operation also monitors illegal oil imports to the country, prevents human trafficking, and contributes to the training of the local coast guard and navy.

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