EU follows Israel's judicial reform with 'concern'

EU follows Israel's judicial reform with 'concern'

Bloc calls on Tel Aviv to seek broad consensus, aim for inclusive process

By Beyza Binnur Donmez

GENEVA (AA) - The EU on Wednesday said it is following the developments in Israel related to the judicial reform "closely and with concern."

"While the specific arrangements related to the judicial reform and its scope are to be decided by the Israelis, it is important that the core values on which our partnership is based are preserved," Nabila Massrali, the EU spokesperson for foreign affairs and security policy, said in a statement.

The EU calls on the Israeli government "to continue to seek a broad consensus and aim for a process that is inclusive," Massrali said, adding: "It is important to reach a compromise which would be acceptable for the Israeli citizens and political parties."

The continuous debates and protests show that a "considerable part of the Israeli population is concerned about the reforms and that Israel is a vibrant democracy," she said.

The Knesset, Israeli parliament, approved on Monday a controversial bill that limits the Supreme Court's authority to overturn government decisions deemed unreasonable.

The legislation is part of a broader judicial overhaul plan spearheaded by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which has triggered 29 weeks of mass protests and has divided the Israeli society.

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