EU to continue talks with Organization of Islamic Cooperation after Quran burnings

EU to continue talks with Organization of Islamic Cooperation after Quran burnings

Incidents in Denmark, Sweden considered 'irresponsible acts' of individuals 'not EU policy,' says EU foreign affairs spokesman

By Agnes Szucs

BRUSSELS (AA) – The European Union will continue talks with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to “promote tolerance and mutual respect” after a series of recent Quran burnings in northern countries of the bloc, an official said on Tuesday.

Speaking to reporters at a news briefing, spokesperson for foreign affairs Peter Stano confirmed that the EU Commission is “in regular contact” with the OIC.

He explained that officials from the commission and the OIC’s Brussels representation hold regular talks “to understand the next steps” after several incidents of Quran burning or desecration happened recently in Denmark and Sweden.

Stano stressed that these actions are “not EU policy” but “irresponsible acts of irresponsible individuals who are interested in sowing discord and troubles, and divide us as communities.”

The EU is ready to continue discussions with the OIC “because this is the time to stand together and reinforce our efforts to promote tolerance and mutual respect,” he added.

Islamophobic figures or groups have repeatedly carried out Quran burnings and similar desecration attempts in Northern Europe in recent months, drawing outrage from Muslim countries and the world.​​​​​​​

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