EU unveils strategy to safeguard critical technologies

EU unveils strategy to safeguard critical technologies

European Economic Security Strategy to watch advanced microchips, AI-driven systems, quantum computing, genetic engineering

By Aysu Bicer

LONDON (AA) – The EU has unveiled a comprehensive strategy to prevent rival nations from gaining access to crucial technologies, including advanced microchips, AI-driven systems, quantum computing, and genetic engineering.

The EU Commission recently made public its decision as part of the European Economic Security Strategy, outlining key measures to safeguard critical technologies.

The decision involves the creation of a list of critical technologies based on a variety of criteria.

These criteria include the transformative potential of the technologies, their dual-use nature in both civilian and military applications, and the possibility of certain technologies being misused in ways that could compromise security or human rights.

The EU will assess whether its exports and imports of critical technologies pose any security risks.

Four technology sectors have been identified as having the most pressing and sensitive risks concerning technology security and technology leakage – semiconductor technology, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and biotechnologies.

This designation might lead to potential measures such as trade bans and investment screening.

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