Eurozone current account surplus grows to $18.3B in January

Eurozone current account surplus grows to $18.3B in January

Current account balance sees $98B deficit in 12 months to January, European Central Bank says

By Tuba Sahin

ANKARA (AA) – The eurozone current account surplus grew to €17 billion (some $18.3 billion) in January, the European Central Bank announced on Wednesday.

The figure was up from €13 billion in December 2022, according to the bank data.

The 12-month rolling deficit reached €98 billion (0.7% of eurozone's gross domestic product) in January, versus a surplus of €252 billion (2.0%) a year ago.

In January, surpluses were posted by services (€14 billion), goods (€11 billion), and primary income (€1 billion).

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