Former French far-right MP accuses government of failing to control rioters

Former French far-right MP accuses government of failing to control rioters

'If the government is not capable of ensuring the security of the French people, then it should make way for those who will face the rioters,' says Marion Marechal

By Gizem Taskin Nicollet

Paris (AA) - Former French far-right MP Marion Marechal blamed the government Friday for not being capable of controlling rioters as tension is high concerning the killing of a teen by police.

“If the government is not capable of ensuring the security of the French people, then it should make way for those who will face the rioters, " Marechal said in a video on Twitter.

“My immediate response is that the government must have the courage to pronounce the establishment of a state of emergency to immediately protect our fellow citizens,” she said.

“The cities are on fire. The chaos is everywhere in our country,” she said, adding: “All regions are affected, all departments, large cities, medium-sized towns, seven villages.”

France is jolted by protests after Nahel M., 17, was shot dead by police Tuesday during a traffic stop in the Parisian suburb of Nanterre.

“I imagine in a few months, a few weeks they will avoid any form of confrontation. This is what Emmanuel Macron initially sought to do,” she said.

“I am, of course, thinking of the independence of justice. I am, of course, thinking of the presumption of innocence. We are also fine with this minute of silence in the assembly,” said Marechal.

“The on-site testimonies are truly eye-opening. The law enforcement forces explain to us that they are overwhelmed, that they do not have enough ammunition,” she said.

“And so, what will happen on the day when the state no longer succeeds in providing assistance to its citizens? It will be a turning point. Citizens will decide to protect themselves because they will no longer tolerate seeing their cars burned, their businesses destroyed,” she warned.

Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin told TF1 on Thursday that 45,000 police were deployed across the country for possible protests which may take place for a fourth straight night.

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