France reports 80 deaths in July’s heat wave

France reports 80 deaths in July’s heat wave

Heat wave affected 21 departments in 5 region

By Beyza Binnur Donmez

GENEVA (AA) - Preliminary estimates showed 80 people died in France between July 7 and 13 from the scorching heat, French Public Health Agency said Wednesday.

The heat wave affected 21 departments in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, as well as Bourgogne-Franche-Comte, Grand-Est, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, and Corsica regions, where the deaths were recorded, as cited by the agency.

Temperatures in some cities surpassed 38C (100.4F) as the heat wave lasted three to six days, depending on the department.

It is believed that the number of deaths may increase.

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