Gabon records 1st case of mpox

Gabon records 1st case of mpox

30-year-old man, who arrived from Uganda, currently in isolation

By James Tasamba

KIGALI, Rwanda (AA) – Gabon has recorded its first case of mpox, the Health Ministry announced Friday, the latest African country to report the viral infection in the continent.

The case involves a 30-year-old man who recently arrived from Uganda and is currently in isolation, Health Minister Adrien Mougougou said in a statement.

The patient, who tested positive for the infectious disease, exhibited symptoms including fever, fatigue and a generalized skin rash a few days after arriving in Gabon, the minister said.

He said the patient was isolated and treated due to the clinical suspicion on Wednesday after he visited hospital.

“The patient is in good condition, and contact tracing is ongoing,” Mougougou said, calling on the people to remain calm and vigilant.

The ministry said it has put in place a preparedness and response measures since the outbreak of the disease in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Enhanced epidemiological surveillance measures, diagnostic capacity at the national level and a multisectoral coordination mechanism have been activated, the statement added.

As many as 17, 541 mpox cases and 517 deaths have so far been reported from 13 African countries, according to the latest Africa CDC figures.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo, the epicenter of the current outbreak, accounts for 96% of all cases and 97% of all deaths reported in 2024.

Mpox was declared a public health emergency of international concern on Aug. 14 by the WHO.

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