German, Austrian leaders discuss irregular migration, border controls

German, Austrian leaders discuss irregular migration, border controls

Chancellor Scholz says controls at German-Austrian border are still ‘essential’ due to large number of irregular migrants arriving

By Anadolu Staff

BERLIN (AA) – Germany will continue controls at its border with Austria due to the large number irregular migrants arriving, Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Friday.

Speaking at a news conference in Salzburg after meeting Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer, Scholz asked for understanding for border controls.

“At present, this is something essential, in view of the figures that we all know. Just as Austria, for its part, has to continue controls at other borders,” he said, referring to Austria’s borders with Hungary and Slovenia.

Both Germany and Austria are within the EU’s visa-free Schengen area, but Berlin is carrying out controls at the crossing points to stop the arrival of irregular migrants.

Between January and July this year, some 175,000 migrants applied for asylum in Germany, and applications increased by almost 78% compared with the same period last year.

Local authorities are complaining that they do not have enough resources to provide housing and social support for newly arrived asylum seekers.

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