German FM, Israeli premier hold talks in West Jerusalem

German FM, Israeli premier hold talks in West Jerusalem

Gabriel, Netanyahu discuss Iran nuclear deal, Syria conflict and moribund Israel-Palestine peace process

By Abdel Raouf Arnaout

JERUSALEM (AA) - German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel on Wednesday reiterated his country's commitment -- and that of the EU -- to the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran while also urging Tehran to revisit its policies vis-à-vis Yemen and Lebanon.

At a joint press conference held with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in West Jerusalem, Gabriel said the two had discussed regional developments, especially those pertaining to Iran.

"We [i.e., Germany and Israel] may have a different position on the subject of the nuclear agreement with Iran," Gabriel said. "But there is no disagreement between us on the actions of Iran."

Israel strongly opposes the 2015 deal between Iran and the P5+1 group of nations -- the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany -- and has frequently called for it to be scrapped or amended.

In regards to the ongoing conflict in Syria, Gabriel said that political decisions in that country should be decided by "a new constitution and elections".

On the issue of Palestine, the German FM commended Israel's stated willingness to accept a "two-state solution" that met its need for secure borders.

Netanyahu, for his part, said he and Gabriel had also discussed bilateral relations, going on to voice his appreciation for Berlin's continued commitment to Israel's security.

"We also discussed efforts to achieve stability in the region, as these efforts became more difficult in light of Iranian aggression in Syria and Lebanon," he said.

According to the Israeli premier, the pair also discussed "our common aspiration to achieve peace and return to the peace process with the Palestinians".

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