Germany's foreign trade volume down in June

Germany's foreign trade volume down in June

Country's trade balance posts surplus of $20.4B

By Gokhan Ergocun

ISTANBUL (AA) - Germany's exports and imports posted annual declines in June, the country's statistical department said Thursday.

The country's exports dropped by 1.9% year-on-year in June to €131.3 billion ($143.3 billion) while imports fell by 11.6% to €112.6 billion, Destatis revealed.

Germany's foreign trade balance showed a surplus of €18.7 billion ($20.4 billion) in June.

Germany's exports to the EU member states totaled €71.5 billion in July, while to non-EU countries amounted to €59.8 billion.

The country's exports to Russia fell by 41.1% to €700 million while imports from Russia totaled €300 million, down by 91.3%, on a yearly basis.​​​​​​​

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