Greta Thunberg fined over Swedish climate protest

Greta Thunberg fined over Swedish climate protest

Climate activist denies charges saying she disobeyed police out of necessity

By Leila Nezirevic

LONDON (AA) - Greta Thunberg was fined on Monday for disobeying a police order to leave a climate protest in the Swedish port of Malmo last month.

The climate activist denied the charge saying that she acted out of necessity.

"My actions are justifiable," the 20-year-old said during a brief hearing.

The Malmo court however found Thunberg guilty and fined her 2,500 Swedish krona ($240), according to the local media.

When asked about the charge against her, she said: "It's correct that I was at that place on that day, and it's correct that I received an order that I didn't listen to, but I want to deny the crime."

The charge against Thunberg could at-most carry a six-month jail term, however, it usually results in a fine.

Thunberg told the court that the world is facing “an emergency that threatens life, health and property," and that "countless people" were at risk, local newspaper Sydsvenskan reported.

The activist was part of a rally organized by environmental group Ta tillbaka framtiden that stopped traffic in the oil terminal of the port in Malmo on June 19, according to the daily.

“We choose to not be bystanders, and instead physically stop the fossil fuel infrastructure,” Thunberg said in last month’s Instagram post.

Thunberg since 2018 has inspired a global youth movement demanding stronger efforts to fight climate change after staging weekly protests outside the Swedish Parliament.

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