Migrant group suffers racist attack on train in Germany

Migrant group suffers racist attack on train in Germany

State interior minister calls racist against minors 'cowardly act' and 'intolerable'

By Cuneyt Karadag

BERLIN (AA) - A group of migrants traveling on a train in Germany experienced a distressing and racist attack on Monday, perpetrated by supporters of the football club Hansa Rostock, according to police.

Around 20 Hansa Rostock supporters launched racial insults and physically attacked nine migrants, aged between 10 to 18 years old, during their journey from Rostock to Gustrow in northern Germany.

"Nasty foreigners, foreign pigs out," the supporters reportedly shouted.

Upon receiving information from other passengers on the train, the police apprehended the attackers when the train stopped in Gustrow.

Reacting to the incident, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern State Interior Minister Christian Pegel expressed his horror.

"A group of adults attacking minors is already a cowardly act, and the fact that it is said to be for racist motives makes this incident intolerable," said Pegel.

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