Gulf Cooperation Council stresses importance of resumption of Black Sea grain deal

Gulf Cooperation Council stresses importance of resumption of Black Sea grain deal

GCC head urges revival of deal for essential food, humanitarian supply in call with Ukraine's foreign minister

By Seda Sevencan

ISTANBUL (AA) – The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) underscored the importance Wednesday of resuming the Black Sea grain deal.

“The GCC countries support the peaceful efforts aimed at resolving the Russian-Ukrainian crisis,” according to a statement from GCC Secretary General Jassem Mohamed Albudaiwi after a telephone call with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba.

“He emphasised the importance of resuming the grain export agreement between Russia and Ukraine through the Black Sea, in order to facilitate the export of grains, essential food and humanitarian supplies, contributing to ensuring food security in affected countries,” the statement said.

Albudaiwi noted the GCC's adherence to the principles of international law and the UN Charter, the statement added.

Russia suspended its participation in the Black Sea grain deal on July 17, saying the Russian part of the agreement was not implemented. It sought the loosening of banking restrictions and the ability to ship its fertilizer before returning to the agreement.

The agreement, initially signed in July last year in Istanbul by Türkiye, the UN, Russia and Ukraine, was aimed at resuming grain exports from Ukrainian ports halted due to the Russia-Ukraine war, which began in February 2022.

Türkiye has said Western countries should try to address Russia’​​​​​​​s complaints and it hopes Russia returns to the deal.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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