Healthcare personnel in Ukrainian army risk their lives to save injured soldiers

Healthcare personnel in Ukrainian army risk their lives to save injured soldiers

Ukrainian Armed Forces doctors, paramedics can be seen evacuating Ukrainian soldiers who were injured in attack

By Gian Marco Benedetto

UKRAINE (AA) - Doctors and paramedics serving in the 3rd Assault Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces risk their own lives to do their duty of saving injured soldiers.

Healthcare personnel were seen evacuating Ukrainian soldiers who were injured in an attack on the Russian army and getting medical treatment at a stabilization center near Bakhmut.

The city of Bakhmut, a transport and logistics hub in the eastern Donetsk region, a part of the largely Russian-speaking industrialized Donbas region that Moscow illegally annexed last year, has been the site of fierce fighting between Russia and Ukraine.​​​​​​​

*Writing by Esra Tekin in Istanbul

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