Hezbollah says it targeted 10 Israeli sites near Lebanon border

Hezbollah says it targeted 10 Israeli sites near Lebanon border

Group claims successful strikes on Israeli infantry unit, gathering of troops

By Waseem Saif Al-Din

BIERUT, Lebanon (AA) - The Lebanese group Hezbollah said it targeted 10 Israeli military sites along the southern Lebanese border on Monday.

In separate statements, the group announced that its fighters had targeted an Israeli infantry unit at five new locations, including the Karam al-Tuffah site east of the Brannit barracks, a gathering of soldiers in Hiraj Shetula, and others in Hiraj Hanita, Birkit Risha, and Jal Al-Alam in southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah also successfully targeted a gathering of Israeli soldiers east of the Misgav area with guided missiles, it said in another statement.

Furthermore, it targeted Hiraj Shetula and Al-Rahib opposite the town of Ayta Shaab in Lebanon using appropriate weaponry, the statement added.

The Lebanese group also aimed at the Rweisat Al-Alam site in the hills of Kfar Shuba and the occupied Lebanese Shebaa with appropriate weaponry, "achieving significant results," according to another statement.

In another statement, the group also said it targeted the Israeli Baghdadi site opposite the Lebanese town of Meiss al-Jabal.

The Israeli army reported on Monday that three Israeli soldiers were injured in mortar shelling from Lebanon targeting a military site in northern Israel.

Tension flared along the border between Lebanon and Israel amid intermittent exchange of fire between Israeli forces and Hezbollah after the Israeli military launched an offensive in the Gaza Strip following a cross-border attack by Hamas on Oct. 7.

The Israeli army resumed bombing the Gaza Strip early Friday after declaring an end to a week-long humanitarian pause with the Palestinian resistance group Hamas.

*Writing by Mohammad Sio

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