Infectious diseases spreading rapidly in Gaza hospitals, says doctors

Infectious diseases spreading rapidly in Gaza hospitals, says doctors

World Health Organization head underscores horrifying nature of ongoing conflict and heavy bombardment of Gaza

By Zeynep Katre Oran

ANKARA (AA) – Doctors working in besieged Gaza are reporting a rapid spread of infectious diseases in the region due to overcrowding caused by civilians displaced by Israel's attacks.

Speaking to British website The Independent on Monday, doctors at Nasser Hospital in the city of Khan Younis in southern Gaza said the lack of essential vaccines for newborns accelerates the spread of diseases in hospitals.

In addition to infectious diseases, they also said they are dealing with casualties and fatalities due to Israel's intense attacks.

Dr. Asem Mohammed said the overcrowding creates favorable conditions for the spread of infectious diseases, and the lack of medical equipment and limited access to clean water further worsens the situation.

He said the surroundings of the hospital are overflowing with "infectious diseases such as fungal infections, skin infections, pneumonia, and epidemiological problems."

Dr. Yousef Adnan said that due to limited access to clean water, they treat thousands of people suffering from diarrhea every day, calling the current situation in the hospital a "disaster.”

- ‘Patients are getting treatment on the ground, in agony, screaming’: WHO head

On social media on Sunday, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, head of the World Health Organization, underscored the horrifying nature of the ongoing conflict and heavy bombardment in Gaza.

"Yesterday our team visited Nassar Medical Hospital in the south (Gaza). It was packed with 1,000 patients — 3 times over its capacity. Countless people were seeking shelter, filling every corner of the facility,” he wrote. “Patients were receiving care on the floor, screaming in pain. These conditions are beyond inadequate – unimaginable for the provision of health care. I cannot find words strong enough to express our concern over what we’re witnessing.”

“Ceasefire. NOW,” he urged.

*Writing by Esra Tekin in Istanbul

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