Iran, Russian presidents discuss joining BRICS activities

Iran, Russian presidents discuss joining BRICS activities

Putin, Raisi also discuss Iran’s potential full membership in Shanghai Cooperation Organization

By Esra Tekin

ISTANBUL (AA) - Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Iranian counterpart Ebrahim Raisi discussed Thursday Iran's potential full membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and its “interest to join the activities of BRICS."

The leaders also discussed the broadening of collaboration in global and local matters in a telephone call, according to a statement by the Kremlin.

“The intention to further develop bilateral ties in the trade, energy, transport and logistics and environmental areas was confirmed,” it said.

Putin and Raisi conveyed contentment with the attained elevated status of Russian-Iranian relations, and Putin offered sympathies to Raisi after a terror incident on Aug. 13 at the Shiraz mosque.

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