Israeli driver arrested after ramming through protesters against controversial bill

Israeli driver arrested after ramming through protesters against controversial bill

Israeli police arrest driver after car rams through protesters in central Israel

ISTANBUL (AA) – Israeli police arrested an Israeli resident after a vehicle rammed through protesters in central Israel, reportedly injuring three, according to local media on Monday.

Citing police sources, Israeli daily Haaretz reported that the suspect was “a resident from one of the communities in the Sharon region” and was arrested “on suspicion of hitting protesters … on Highway 531.”

One victim being treated by Israel’s Emergency Services said, according to the daily, "It was a deliberate ramming attack; the car simply flew towards us.”

According to the report, the driver is in his twenties and an investigation into the incident is ongoing.

A video clip of the incident showed the car running over Israeli demonstrators before fleeing the scene. According to some reports, at least three people were injured in the incident.

Earlier on Monday, the Israeli Knesset (parliament) approved a controversial bill as part of the government’s judicial overhaul plan.

Israeli police arrested 19 protesters in West Jerusalem during protests against the controversial judicial reform bills.

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