UPDATE - Suicide bombing in Somali capital kills over 20

UPDATE - Suicide bombing in Somali capital kills over 20

Bombing occurred when new recruits queued outside military training facility in Mogadishu


By Mohammed Dhaaysane

HUDUR, Somalia (AA) - More than 20 people, including soldiers, were killed and dozens others wounded on Monday when a suicide bombing rocked the Somali capital Mogadishu, a senior official said.

A senior security officer in Mogadishu, who spoke to Anadolu on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on talking to the media, said a suicide bomber blew himself up at a military training facility in Mogadishu, killing more than 20 people, including new recruits and military personnel.

"The suicide bomber below himself up during busy hours on Monday. At the time when the blast occurred there was a large queue of new recruits at the Jalle Siyaad military training camp," he said.

He added that dozens of people also injured in the attack were rushed to hospital for treatment.

Local media put the casualties at more than 30 people.

Somali-based al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for the deadly attack.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry on Monday voiced deep sorrow over the bombing and condemned the "heinous terrorist attack."

"Türkiye will continue to stand by its friend and brother Somalia in its fight against terrorism, as it has done so far," the ministry said in a statement.

It also wished Allah’s grace upon those who lost their lives, extended condolences to the families as well as to the friendly and brotherly people and government of Somalia, and wished a speedy recovery to the injured.

* Diyar Guldogan from Ankara contributed to this story

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