Israeli premier labels protests in France ‘antisemitic’

Israeli premier labels protests in France ‘antisemitic’

‘We strongly condemn these attacks, support French government in fight against antisemitism,’ says Benjamin Netanyahu

By Mucahit Aydemir

JERUSALEM (AA) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday voices his support for the Paris government and labeled the ongoing protests in France "antisemitic."

"Our government is closely monitoring with great concern the wave of antisemitic demonstrations that are engulfing France," Netanyahu said at a weekly Cabinet meeting.

"In recent days, we have witnessed criminal attacks on Jewish targets. We strongly condemn these attacks and support the French government's fight against antisemitism," he added.

The nationwide protests over the killing of Nahel M., a 17-year-old teenager of Algerian descent, continue to shake France.

According to the Interior Ministry, on the fifth night of the protests, 577 vehicles and 74 buildings were set on fire and 871 fires were recorded in streets and other public spaces.

Nahel was shot at point-blank range by an officer on Tuesday in the Paris suburb of Nanterre.

The officer faces a formal investigation for voluntary homicide and has been placed in preliminary detention.

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