Israelis protest Netanyahu's judicial reform plans

Israelis protest Netanyahu's judicial reform plans

Benjamin Netanyahu proposed judicial reforms to reduce powers of Supreme Court

By Enes Canlı

JERUSALEM (AA) - Thousands took to the streets in Tel Aviv to protest plans by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government to overhaul the legal system.

Organizers announced that no music will be played from stages during the demonstrations.

Police closed roads to traffic leading to squares during the day and security measures were taken in the surrounding area.

Thousands of demonstrators gathered on Kaplan Street, carrying Israeli flags. Demonstrators chanted "No to dictatorship" and "Democracy."

Proposed by Justice Minister Yariv Levin, the reform, if enacted, would be the most radical change in the system of government in Israel.

The proposed changes will severely limit the power of the Supreme Court and give the government the power to choose judges and end the appointment of legal advisers to ministries by the attorney general.

But Netanyahu, who is on trial for corruption, said he received a mandate from millions of voters to carry out judicial reforms.

Regarding the synagogue attack in occupied East Jerusalem, Netanyahu wrote on Twitter that the government's response will be "strong, swift and precise."

"While we are not seeking escalation, we are prepared for any scenario," he wrote.

At least seven settlers were killed in a shooting near a synagogue in an Israeli settlement in East Jerusalem late Friday. In a separate attack, two Israeli settlers were injured Saturday in occupied East Jerusalem.

That was after nine Palestinians were killed Thursday and dozens injured in an Israeli military operation in the West Bank city of Jenin.

Nearly 30 Palestinians were killed by Israeli army fire since the start of the year, according to Palestinian figures.

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