Italy's right-wing coalition prioritizes irregular migration, energy in foreign policy

Italy's right-wing coalition prioritizes irregular migration, energy in foreign policy

Italy's coalition government led by Giorgia Meloni, who took office on Oct. 22, 2022, passes 100-day threshold

By Baris Seckin

ROME (AA) - Italy has focused on supporting Ukraine, fighting irregular migration, and becoming an energy hub under Italy's right-wing coalition, led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

Italy's coalition government led by Meloni, who took office on Oct. 22, 2022, completed a 100-day threshold in its foreign policy by prioritizing issues like the Moscow-Kyiv war, migration, and energy.

Emphasizing its commitment to the Euro-Atlantic alliance, the Meloni government also confirmed that it will continue to provide military support to Ukraine throughout the year.

Meanwhile, irregular migration prompted tension between Paris and Rome as the "closed port" policy to prevent NGO ships from docking in Italy, sparked France's reaction.

- Energy hub

Speaking at the 8th MED Mediterranean Dialogue Forum held last December in Rome, Meloni said her government is steadfastly committed to enhancing its influence in the Mediterranean.

Italy can act as a conduit for energy between the Mediterranean and Europe, thanks to its geographic location, infrastructure, the spirit of cooperation, and the support of its businesses, she added.

Meloni's recent diplomatic tours -- Algeria on Jan. 23 and Libya on Jan. 28 -- as well as Italy's bilateral agreements with these countries showed the government's aim to make the country an energy hub.

Meanwhile, Antonio Tajani, the country's deputy premier and foreign minister, also visited Türkiye on Jan. 13, Tunisia on Jan. 18, and Egypt on Jan. 22, discussing cooperation in the Mediterranean.

- 'Back to traditional policy'

Speaking to Anadolu, Nathalie Tocci, the head of the Institute of International Affairs, said Italy's foreign policy has shifted to the traditional policy since the Meloni government took office.

This is a foreign policy that somehow goes back to the tradition of Italian foreign policy, the Euro-Atlantic, the EU, and the Mediterranean, she noted.

Touching on official visits to Algeria and Libya, Tocci stressed that Italy seeks to both deal with the repercussions of the energy crisis and to strengthen its hand across Europe.

She added that the Meloni government is aware of the fact that investment in Libya also means contact with Türkiye as Ankara is a key player in the north African country.

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