Jeremy Corbyn formally blocked from running as Labour MP candidate in next UK election

Jeremy Corbyn formally blocked from running as Labour MP candidate in next UK election

Labour's committee vote to approve motion to not allow Corbyn from being endorsed

By Burak Bir

LONDON (AA) - Britain's main opposition Labour Party on Tuesday formally baned its former leader from running as a party candidate in the next general election.

Labour Party's National Executive Committee (NEC) backed a motion from its leader Keir Starmer that said it will not endorse his predecessor, according to media reports.

The NEC voted 22 - 12 to approve Starmer's motion to not allow Jeremy Corbyn from being endorsed.

"As the government plunges millions into poverty and demonises refugees, Keir Starter has focused his opposition on those demanding a more progressive and humane alternative," Corbyn said Monday in a statement.

"Starmer has broken his commitment to respect the rights of Labour members and denigrated the democratic foundations of our party."

Corbyn, 73, who joined the Labour Party at 16, has been elected MP for Islington North on 10 consecutive races since 1983.

Starmer said last month that his party “has changed” and urged members who are not in favor of the change to leave the party.

"If you don't like that, if you don't like the changes that we've made, I say the door is open and you can leave," he said.

He also announced his wish that Corbyn will not stand as a Labour candidate in the next general election.

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