Kosovo prepares to hold snap local elections in Serb municipalities: Premier

Kosovo prepares to hold snap local elections in Serb municipalities: Premier

Elections not possible without reducing tensions, says Albin Kurti

By Talha Ozturk

BELGRADE, Serbia (AA) - Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said Wednesday his government is preparing to hold snap local elections in four municipalities in the north where Serbs mostly live.

"We are getting ready to hold early local elections in the north of Kosovo. Meanwhile, we expect the so-called temporary measures against us (by the EU) to be lifted as soon as possible and the logical thing to be held before the elections," Kurtis said in a news conference with Kosovo Local Government Minister Elbert Krasniqi.

He added that it is not possible to hold elections without reducing tension in the region.

Krasniqi said early elections could be held if 20% of voters in a municipality signed a petition prepared for the dismissal of its mayor.

Early elections in Zvecan, Zubin Potok, Leposavic and Northern Mitrovica was demanded by the international community to reduce tensions in the region.

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