Microsoft announces $2.2B investment in cloud, AI services in Malaysia

Microsoft announces $2.2B investment in cloud, AI services in Malaysia

Tech giant aims to provide education and training to 200,000 people, establish national AI Centre of Excellence

By Riyaz ul Khaliq

ISTANBUL (AA) - Microsoft on Thursday announced a $2.2 billion investment in artificial intelligence and cloud infrastructure for Malaysia's digital transformation over the next four years.

The announcement was made as Microsoft Chairman and CEO Satya Nadella met Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim in Kuala Lumpur.

Anwar said the investment “proves confidence in the country's strong economic base, clear and focused policies, in addition to investor friendliness and political stability.”

According to the tech giant, the project will create opportunities for 200,000 people to learn AI skills, and establish a national AI Centre of Excellence, and enhance the nation’s cybersecurity capabilities.

“The investment demonstrates Microsoft’s commitment to developing Malaysia as a hub for cloud computing and related advanced technologies, including generative AI. This will support the nation’s productivity, competitiveness, resilience, and economic growth,” the statement added.

Nadella said the company was “committed to supporting Malaysia’s AI transformation and ensure it benefits all Malaysians.”

He also announced investments in AI and cloud services in Indonesia and Thailand earlier this week.

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