Microsoft partners with French start-up in artificial intelligence

Microsoft partners with French start-up in artificial intelligence

Partnership provides Mistral AI access to Microsoft's cloud computing platform Azure's AI infrastructure

By Ovunc Kutlu

ISTANBUL (AA) - US multinational technology corporation Microsoft announced Monday that it has formed a multi-year partnership with French start-up Mistral AI to accelerate innovation in artificial intelligence (AI).

"The AI industry is undergoing a significant transformation with growing interest in more efficient and cost-effective models, emblematic of a broader trend in technological advancement," Microsoft said in a statement.

"In the vanguard is Mistral AI, an innovator and trailblazer. Their commitment to fostering the open-source community and achieving exceptional performance aligns harmoniously with Microsoft’s commitment to develop trustworthy, scalable, and responsible AI solutions," it added.

The partnership provides Mistral AI access to Microsoft's cloud computing platform Azure's AI infrastructure to accelerate the development and deployment of its next generation large language models, according to the statement.

"With Azure’s cutting-edge AI infrastructure, we are reaching a new milestone in our expansion, propelling our innovative research and practical applications to new customers everywhere," said Mistral AI CEO Arthur Mensch.

The partnership focuses on three areas -- Microsoft to support Mistral AI with Azure AI supercomputing infrastructure, the companies to make Mistral AI’s premium models available to customers, and collaboration in AI research and development.

Mistral AI was founded in April last year, raising more than $400 million in October and gaining a valuation of over $2 billion by December.

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