Mpox cases in Nigeria rise to 48, spread to capital, 20 states

Mpox cases in Nigeria rise to 48, spread to capital, 20 states

Nigeria Centre for Disease Control reports mpox virus spread to capital, Abuja, 20 other states; no fatalities have been reported

By Adam Abu-bashal

ABUJA, Nigeria (AA) - Mpox cases in Nigeria have risen to 48, with the virus now reported in the capital Abuja and 20 other states, according to the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC).

Despite the increase in cases, no fatalities have been reported so far. The government received a shipment of 10,000 vaccine doses from the US on August 27 to aid in controlling the outbreak.

Additionally, a health declaration form for international travelers has been introduced to help curb the virus's spread.

The African Union has declared a public health emergency in response to the virus's rapid spread across the continent.

Mpox is transmitted through contact with infected rodents, individuals, or contaminated items. Symptoms typically appear 5 to 21 days after exposure and include fever, body aches, swollen lymph nodes, and skin lesions. While there is no specific treatment, antiviral drugs can help manage the condition. Most cases are mild, with recovery occurring within a few weeks.

In 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) renamed "monkeypox" to "mpox" to address concerns about racism and discrimination associated with the term.

*Writing by Alperen Aktas from Istanbul

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