Myanmar junta disbands jailed Suu Kyi’s party

Myanmar junta disbands jailed Suu Kyi’s party

Union Election Commission says 40 parties, including National League for Democracy, failed to reapply for registration

By Riyaz ul Khaliq

ISTANBUL (AA) – Myanmar's military junta regime on Tuesday disbanded the National League for Democracy (NLD), which won the country's last general elections led by ousted State Councilor Aung San Suu Kyi, who has been imprisoned on multiple charges since the Feb. 2021 coup.

The decision was announced by the Union Election Commission, which is run by the State Administration Council.

According to the Khit Thit Media news website, the commission "announced the dissolution of 40 parties, including the NLD."

In the November 2020 elections, the NLD won a majority of seats.

The commission said these parties did not reapply for registration and were thus disbanded.

It added that 51 political parties had reapplied.

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