New Afghan ambassador looks to enhance ties with Turkey

New Afghan ambassador looks to enhance ties with Turkey

Afghans see Turkey as role model for Islamic World, Abdul Rahim Sayed Jan tells Anadolu Agency

By Mehmet Ozturk, Nazli Yuzbasioglu and Fatih Hafiz Mehmet

ANKARA (AA) - Afghanistan's new ambassador to Turkey has said the two countries enjoy "very good" ties, which would enhance further in the future.

Abdul Rahim Sayed Jan began his duties on Dec. 21, 2017, but presented his letter of credence to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in capital Ankara last Tuesday.

In an exclusive interview with Anadolu Agency last Thursday, Jan said he was very pleased to be appointed to Ankara and that he liked the country very much.

"The people of Afghanistan like your president very much and they always pray for him," he said, adding the people of Afghanistan saw Turkey as a role model for the Islamic World and as one of the most developed and modern Muslim countries.

"Everybody wishes to have this kind of development, democracy and justice. So, when I was informed that I was appointed here I was very glad," he said.

Afghanistan's ties with Turkey have a long history and both sides share "very common" values, Jan added.

He said he intended to hold several meetings so that he could better know the people as well as government officials.

He also declared his hope that Afghan students get more opportunities to study in Turkey.

"We have so many students here. I will try to make this number of students increase."

- Health, anti-terror fight

Jan said the people of Afghanistan needed help in the health sector because of a lack of high quality hospitals.

Some Afghans also come to Turkey for treatment, the ambassador said, adding Afghans want to have the same quality in health sector in Afghanistan, and they want Turkish doctors to go and work there.

About efforts to bring peace in Afghanistan, he said Turkey through the "good office" of Turkish president could encourage Pakistan to assist Afghanistan in bringing peace and stability to his country.

He called for more cooperation in the fight against terrorism.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani recently visited Turkey to attend a summit on the Palestinian issue in Istanbul during which he held a "very good" discussion with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

"Our relations are very good and, hopefully, we will increase these relations. We are both trying to cooperate with each other and enhance the relations between the two brotherly countries," Jan said.

"We always support each other on international issues," he added noting Afghanistan remained thankful to Turkey, which is a member of NATO and also a part of the international assistance forces that are helping Afghanistan.

"Besides that Turkey is training our military people," he said.

The ambassador went on to note that Turkey was also fighting terrorists in its region and terrorism was a common enemy for everyone.

"Turkey and Afghanistan are in the frontline. So, the exchange of information is very important for each other regarding fighting terrorism.

"Unfortunately, this phenomenon is the enemy of humanity and they [the terrorists] should be eradicated from the world," he said.

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