NEWS FILE - The perception of Iran in the Arab world

NEWS FILE - The perception of Iran in the Arab world

ANKARA (AA) - The sectarian and expansionist policies pursued by Iran in recent years and its efforts to ratchet up its influence in a way that could...

ANKARA (AA) - The sectarian and expansionist policies pursued by Iran in recent years and its efforts to ratchet up its influence in a way that could unsettle the inner balances of the regional countries have led to a remarkable deterioration of its image in the Muslim world. In this deterioration, Tehran's military, political and economic support to the Assad regime in Syria and its military alliance with Russia also to this end became decisive even though Iran was once viewed in the Arab as well as the larger Islamic world with a modicum of sympathy owing to its appearance as a "victim" during the years of severe US sanctions.

The messages of condemnation in the closing declaration of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Islamic Summit held in mid April in Istanbul are a concrete manifestation of the widespread discontent felt about the policies Tehran has been pursuing. Iran's relations with the Arab world, on the other hand, are of vital importance considering that the wars being fought over "proxies" in many countries in the region have the potential to erupt into a full-scale conflict.

The News File entitled "The perception of Iran in the Arab world", consisting of two OPINION pieces and an ANALYSIS, examines how the Arab countries' perception of Iran has been changing for the worse both at an administrative and public level, delving into the main reasons for this transformation and its likely consequences.

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