Nigeria ruling party elects presidential candidate ahead of 2023 elections

Nigeria ruling party elects presidential candidate ahead of 2023 elections

Former Lagos governor emerges winner of electoral college vote held in nation's capital

By Olarewaju Kola

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (AA) - Nigeria's ruling party elected former Lagos State Governor Ahmed Tinubu on Wednesday as its presidential candidate ahead of the general election early next year.

Tinubu emerged the winner of the All Progressive Congress (APC) party’s electoral college after securing 1,271 votes from 2,322 party delegates in the nation's capital, Abuja.

"It is an historical day. Let us join hands together to defeat the PDP - opposition party," he said in his acceptance speech after receiving the party flag from Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari who is also the party leader.

The party’s election, which starred late Tuesday, acerbated tension in the country.

The ruling party faces a tough challenge from the Peoples' Democratic Party (PDP)'s presidential candidate, former Vice President Atiku Abubakar in the poll in February.

Tackling terrorism, banditry, kidnapping and inflation remain major points of political discourse among Nigerians as politicians traverse the country to canvass for votes in coming weeks.

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