'No victory for poor Ukrainians on the battlefield': Hungarian Prime Minister Orban

'No victory for poor Ukrainians on the battlefield': Hungarian Prime Minister Orban

EU's sanction policy does not work, Hungarian PM Viktor Orban says

By Gokhan Ergocun

DOHA, Qatar (AA) - It's obvious that there is no victory for poor Ukrainians on the battlefield, the Hungarian prime minister said on Tuesday, adding that everybody "should try to stop the escalation of the war" instead of "having a stronger involvement in it."

Viktor Orban stressed: "My position is the reality, looking at the figures looking at the surroundings looking at the fact that NATO is not ready to send troops."

People should rightly describe the situation that Russia invaded Ukraine, but the question is not "Who invaded?" he stressed, adding:

"The question is what will be the next morning. You know, the next morning, the fact is that more and more people will die and there is no chance to have a victory."

There is no chance to win this war, he repeated and noted: "So therefore what we should do more energy invest into to convince everybody that the only solution is a ceasefire."

Ukraine is not a country far away, it is a neighbor of Hungary, and there are 200,000 Hungarian ethnic minorities, who are part of the war and die, he stressed.

"So, therefore, we consider this whole situation for a special angle, so we do not belong to the mainstream European approach," he added.

Criticizing the EU's sanctions against Russia, Orban said, "sanction policy of EU simply does not work."

It is not reasonable to introduce sanction packages for the 11th time, hoping that the outcome will be different, he added.

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