Number of foreign tourists visiting Istanbul up 17% in H1

Number of foreign tourists visiting Istanbul up 17% in H1

Some 7.9M foreigners visit Turkish metropolis in January-June period

By Hikmet Faruk Baser

ISTANBUL (AA) - The number of foreign tourists visiting Istanbul in the first six months of the year increased by 17% to 7.9 million on a yearly basis.

According to data compiled by Anadolu from Istanbul Directorate of Culture and Tourism, the figure was up from 6.75 million in the January-June period last year.

It also exceeded the pre-pandemic levels, as the Turkish metropolis hosted 6.77 million tourists in the first six months of 2019.

In June alone, Istanbul hosted 1.6 million foreign tourists, up by 11% from 1.47 million in the same month last year. Some 10.6% of foreign visitors were Russians, followed by Germans with 7.13% and US nationals with 6.32%.

Istanbul hosted tourists from 194 countries in June.

*Writing by Gokhan Ergocun

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