Number of UK households facing homelessness shoots up to highest level on record

Number of UK households facing homelessness shoots up to highest level on record

Over 104,500 households in temporary accommodations, up 10% from end of March last year, shows official data

By Aysu Bicer

LONDON (AA) — The number of households in the UK living in temporary accommodations reached a high point in the first quarter of the year, according to the latest official figures.

Data released Tuesday by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, showed that 83,240 households were initially assessed as homeless or threatened with homelessness and owed a statutory homelessness duty. The figure, up 5.7% from January-March 2022, was the highest since record-keeping began 25 years ago.

"On 31 March 2023, 104,510 households were in temporary accommodation, which is an increase of 10.0% from 31 March 2022," said the ministry.

Such households with children rose 10.3% to 64,940, while single households increased 9.6% to 39,570.

Compared to the previous quarter, the number of households in temporary accommodations had increased by 4%.

Instability of private renting has emerged as a primary driver behind the escalating homelessness, with the termination of private tenancies now a foremost cause.

Commenting on the latest data, Polly Neate, the head of British homelessness and housing charity Shelter, called for an end to "no-fault evictions" which she said were fueling homelessness and "throwing thousands of families' lives into turmoil."

Neate strongly urged the government to expedite the passage of its proposed Renters Reform Bill into law, which aims to eliminate no-fault evictions, according to the Guardian.

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