Zelenskyy says Ukraine received reinforcement for air defense systems

Zelenskyy says Ukraine received reinforcement for air defense systems

Ukrainian president says air defense systems ‘will be directed to where it is most needed right now’

ANKARA (AA) - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Wednesday that Kyiv received reinforcements to its air defense systems.

"I heard the current reports on the supply of weapons and ammunition. There is reinforcement of our air defense system. It will be directed to where it is most needed right now," he wrote on Telegram.

Forbes magazine reported July 24 that according to its data, Western countries supplied Kyiv with about 20 SAMP-T, Patriot, Iris-T, NASAMS, Crotale and other air defense systems.

The US also intends to buy 12 MIM-23 Hawk air defense systems from Taiwan to transfer to Ukraine, according to media reports.

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