Opposition presidential hopeful in Nigeria leads protest march against election results

Opposition presidential hopeful in Nigeria leads protest march against election results

Atiku Abubakar claims that electoral process was flawed, vows to continue protest after presenting elections body with protest letter

By Ibrahim Garba Shuaibu

KANO, Nigeria (AA) — An opposition candidate in last month's Nigerian presidential ballot launched a protest on Monday against the election results.

Alongside other party leaders, Atiku Abubakar of the People's Democratic Party (PDP) marched on the headquarters of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), protesting the results.

The march took off during the day and was joined by PDP National Chairman Iyorchia Ayu and other members of the party's National Working Committee (NWC).

Addressing reporters at the INEC headquarters, Taraba State Governor Darius Ishaku said they were at the headquarters to present their letter to the electoral commission on their position concerning the results.

"We were cheated in the presidential election, and we have come to express our position on the development."

Vowing to continue protesting every day, Atiku said the electoral process was flawed. "We complained to INEC from the collation center that we are not okay with the way the results have been released but they refused."

The protest letter was later presented to INEC, represented by Festus Okoye and Haruna Muhammad, among others.

Kaynak:Source of News

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